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Labeling mobile system

LabTouch is a mobile labeling station based on a PC Touchscreen. The application software allows the management of all thge labeling operation : creation and management of products archive, customer archive, traceability data with no limit data base; easy graphic creation of customizable Printing layout; the easy to use touchscreen provides a simple operating command set. The hardware configuration is customizable both for the weighing system and for the label printers with respect to the effective customers needs.


  • Single touch 18″ PC Touchscreen with 1366 x 768 resolution
  • 2 GB RAM DDR3
  • 250 GB RPM HDD with SATA II interface
  • Ethernet Port 10 / 100 / 1000 and 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi aerial
  • n°5 2.0 USB Ports
Cod. Label printer ZD420dtDescriptionCapacityDivMC
LG404012400×40012 kg2 g
LG404015M400×40015 kg5 g2/5 g
LG404030400×40030 kg5 g
LG404030M400×40030 kg10 g5/10 g
LG404060400×40060 kg10 g
LG404060M400×40060 kg20 g10/20 g
LG505030500×50030 kg10 g5/10 g
LG505060500×50060 kg20 g10/20 g
LG606030600×60030 kg10 g5/10 g
LG606060600×60060 kg20 g10/20 g
Cod, Label Printer ZT230DescriptionCapacityDivMC
LZ404012400×40012 kg2 g
LZ404015M400×40015 kg5 g2/5 g
LZ404030400×40030 kg5 g
LZ404030M400×40030 kg10 g5/10 g
LZ404060400×40060 kg10 g
LZ404060M400×40060 kg20 g10/20 g
LZ505030500×50030 kg10 g5/10 g
LZ505060500×50060 kg20 g10/20 g
LZ606030600×60030 kg10 g5/10 g
LZ606060600×60060 kg20 g10/20 g
PC Touch features
PC Toucscreen single touch 18" with resolution 1366×768
HDD 250 GB RPM with SATA II interface
Ethernet 10/100/1000 and Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
n° 5 USB 2.0

User Manual

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